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  1. 1000 Dollar Bill

1000 Dollar Bill

I am a women's money mindset expert and licensed psychotherapist best known for my personal finance blog, Girls Just Wanna Have Funds. There I help women in transition survive the realities of financial abuse, career pitfalls so they can finally drop their money drama. My popular eCourse The Money Cure empowers women to change their money mindset, drop the money struggle. I crushed life's curve balls after surviving my divorce and paying off $30,000 in debt in 8 months. Today, my track record has been to push women to break through financial ceilings and own their lives regardless of the cards they've been dealt. My work has been featured in Elle Magazine, Teen Vogue, MSNBC, Essence, Muses & Visionaries, The Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America and Esquire Magazine.

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